Monday, July 9, 2012

Nine Month Update

Since our last post Jax had his nine month well visit which consisted of his normal weight check and measuring. He also had to get one shot. Normally he would have gotten two but because of his seizure activity back in the spring he is not allowed to have the DTAP until he is seizure free for six months.

Jax is still taking 1tsp phenobarb a day and 2ml of kepra twice a day to help control seizures. Since he started on the kepra we have not seen any seizure activity and hopefully this will continue as his body naturally weans off the phenobarb as he gains weight. At his last well visit:

Weight: 16 lbs 2 oz--he is in the 5th%
Height:  25 5/8"--he is in the 3rd% (still keeping an eye on his growth)
Head Circumference:  15 1/8"--still not registering on the charts but the size of his head is STILL growing and making progress.

Our pediatrician said that in spite of all Jax has been through and the prognosis given he was pleased with Jax's growth. He is continuing to grow in all areas. Some are slower than we would hope but GROWING nonetheless. Jax is going to be 10 months old on July 13th and developmentally he is about at the 5 month mark an improvement from his last 4 month mark.

It is all bittersweet in that you want so much to see your children healthy, normal and thriving but in this journey we have been learning to grab hold of even the smallest signs of progress and hope that we will continue to see improvement.

Jax has been doing great in his therapy sessions. He actually grabbed hold of a toy on his own this weekend and he has been showing signs of possibly trying to roll over from back to belly. When he is in a good mood, which is mostly in the mornings, he has been smiling a lot more and I even heard him laugh a little. Although it was not the contagious belly laughter that babies have it was a little chuckle and I will take even that!

I finally caught some videos of him smiling and having some play time with Eden this morning. Enjoy!

Looking back at this video I should have just let the boy have a lick of the lollipop but I am so paranoid of germs. Afterall, it was an organic lollipop that should make it okay, right?!